
Friday, August 24, 2012

Feature and Follow Friday #1

Feature and Follow is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read. 

This week's question is:

Worst cover? What is the worst cover of a book that you've read and loved?

Answer: My answer to this one is Tempting The Best Man by J.Lynn. Its not that the cover is exactly bad but it has absolutely nothing to do with the book or the characters in the book. I just think that there could have been more to the cover. The book is really good but the cover may give you second thoughts.

Link me to your Follow Friday and I'll follow back. :)
Happy Friday everybody!



  1. Mmm, its alright, but like you said it needs to connect to the story too.

    Here's My FF!

    You've hit double figures, Yay!! I remember being there only 6 weeks ago, this Meme helps!!
    We have similar interests in books too....

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
    New Follower :)

  2. You mean the book isn't about some faceless guy trying to tear the chicks shirt off!? Damn it! Then I'm not reading it. LOL JK!

    Thanks for stopping by. Following back!

    -Amanda P
    Paranormal Romance

  3. I think the covers need to relate to the actual book, otherwise whats the point. That cover doesn't intice me to look at the book unfortunately. =(

    New follower.

    My FF =)

  4. It's too common. Nothing really stands out. New Follower.

    Sydney @ Starry Storm

  5. I agree, this book cover is kind of stupid. Thanks for stopping by!

    New follower.

    Christina @ Ensconced in YA

  6. it looks very naughty... maybe the book is not exactly like that?

    I'm a new gfc follower, would you please follow back? :)

  7. I haven't read this book but its been on my to-read list for a while. The cover definitely suggest certain things though...New follower :)
    My FF: World of Books

  8. I've seen covers very similar to it before- nothing special. New GFC Follower!

    My FF
    ~Caitlin :)

  9. I agree! It's a very basic stockphoto and I've seen other covers like that too! Thanks for stopping by and following back!

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  10. You are right. The cover makes no sense. I am your 20th follower. =] =] Thanks for sharing and visiting My FF
    Michael @ The Bookshelf Review

  11. I totally agree! It could have been so much better!

    I'm a new follower via GFC (I'm under ele05gs), please follow back if you can.
    My FF

  12. I don't know the book, but I would never have picked it up with that cover. I'm a new follower. You can find me at:

  13. I don't like that cover either, especially knowing that the author is actually Jennifer L. Armentrout (that is her adult books name) and she has such amazing covers for her YA books, you would think she would do better. I wont read this book anyway, just not into all that erotica stuff, just not my thing. But either-way that cover would have turned me away. Thanks for stopping by.
    FF Post

  14. It's sad when a cover doesn't suit a book...

    new follower

  15. new follower through GFC as lucyatmax, no pix. I responded with the the stephanie Plum series covers....colorful, but not really appealing. Please visit/follow me at
    Have a great weekend!

  16. I agree with what you're saying, it just needs to have something to do with the story. I'm a new follower.

    My FF

  17. Hi there!

    I'm now following your blog. Here's my link:

    Grant Morris on Writing, etc.

    Have a wonderful weekend :)


  18. Hi!
    I totally get where you're coming from. It makes no sense to me when a cover is completely unrelated to the story!
    New follower!
    Here's my FF post:

  19. I don't like it when a cover doesn't match the story! I had the same reasoning for my pick this week.

    New follower via GFC. :)

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!