
Friday, June 28, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday #45

Feature and Follow is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.

Today's question is:

Q: What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, eBooks, paperback etc?

My answer: 

Honestly, books are books, no matter what format they are in. If I know that I really want to read something, I'll read it in whatever format I can get it in. Over time, however, I have realized that, in terms of speed, I go faster with e-books as they are convenient and easy. At the same time, I love to collect and leisurely read physical copies of books as well. 

What's your preferred format? 

We are THIS close to reaching 500 GFC followers, so new followers, a GFC follow would be highly appreciated. We'll follow back via the method of your preference. 

Happy Friday and happy reading! 


  1. True true! I don't care really what format the book is, but I do tend to lean more towards the real physical book vs the ebook.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Thanks for Stopping by, Love your answer it's totally true a book is a book no matter the format.

    Samantha @ Book Lover's Cozy Cafe

  3. I think I'm the same way.
    Old follower
    my F&F

  4. While I love print, and beautiful covers, ebooks are currently winning just due to the amount of books I can carry around with me. I may be a book hoarder.

    Mei @ Diary of a Fair Weather Diver

    1. E-books really are winning these days, Mei. :)

  5. I don't prefer one over the other really but I like seeing a stack of my favorite books and when I read physical copies I sticky not everything so it's much easier to find my favorite parts! I'm an old GFC follower but I just followed you with bloglovin as well:) Happy Friday and have a great week!
    K @ My Favorite Escape

    1. I love seeing a stack of my fave books as well, K. Thanks for following. :)

  6. Correct. That's the major plus abut e-books, Aman. :)

  7. You are right and even if I do receive an e-book to read I will still read that baby even if I do prefer physical copies! I like your answer and new follower via gfc!

    Tt @Never Ending Stories

    1. Yes, I prefer both. Thanks for following, Tt. :)

  8. Sarika I also mentioned the speed of reading on different formats, when I first started reading ebooks I felt that I read the printed copies so much faster and I think I actually did, but now that I'm more used to ebooks I'm not quite sure anymore.

    My Friday Meme

    1. Correct, I think eventually we do give in to what's latest, Angelica. :)


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!