
Friday, July 19, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday #48

Feature and Follow is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.

Today's question is: 

Book Vacay: Where is the best destination reading spot for you? (Where do you like to go to read other then your home)

My answer:

I am the most comfortable reading in my bed but any place which is relatively quiet works for me. I can tune people out and read but I may get distracted sometimes. So, the best destination reading spot for me would be anyplace quiet I guess. I don't have any specifics :)

What's your destination reading spot?
Follow us and we'll follow back!
Happy Friday everybody :)


  1. I kind of prefer quiet places as well. And usually comfortable! I'm an old GFC follower.
    Check out my FF

  2. Yeah, I prefer quiet areas, too :)

  3. I always enjoy reading when it's quiet . I can concentrate more.

  4. I love the quiet. I've got to be able to concentrate fully on the awesome pages I'm reading :)
    Ninja Girl

  5. I am pretty much the same! Although, I don't do too much outdoor reading since St. Louis gets really hot and humid in summer. There are very rare days when it's nice enough to be outside and usually then I have to work!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Nice answer :) my bed always comes in handy whenever I want to relax and read.

    My FF:)

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  7. Too much quiet is weird too me. I'm too used to chaos ;)
    I'm following on bloglovin' and twitter!

  8. I can't do too much quiet. I always have to have some kind of background noise, like classical music or the tv playing softly in the background. But I LOVE reading in my bed too! SO relaxing!

    Here's My FF


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!