
Friday, September 27, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday #58

Feature and Follow is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.

Today's question is: 
This weeks Activity:

                              Reading Nook Tour!

My reading nook is my bed. Its super comfy and cozy and I can read away for hours at a time without moving :)

What's your answer?
Follow us and we'll follow back!
Happy Friday everybody :)


  1. Reading in bed is always super comfy! :)

    Old follower :)
    Amanda @ i solemnly swear

  2. Yay bed readers!! I love reading on top of my bed too!! So cozy!!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Yay, there are SO many bed readers! LOL

    I love curling up under the covers after a nice warm bath and reading until I fall asleep which most often happens pretty fast LOL

    I'm a new GFC Follower
    Sarah @ The Ultimate Bookworms.
    Here is my FF.

  4. I like reading on my couch.
    Heres mine:

  5. I wish I could read in my bed. It's too easy for me to fall asleep :( lol

    Here's My FF
    Old follower!

  6. I like reading on my bed and couch, it all depends on my mood. :)
    Old follower. :)

    My FF :)

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  7. I love reading in my bed too! I read there the most. Your looks really cozy and I love when it rains I just get under my blanket and read. Great pick :)

  8. 1. Bed
    2. Bean Bag
    3. Back seat of the car :D


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!