
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Review- Marry Go Round by Sadiqa Peerbhoy

Goodreads Summary:

A determined mother using blatant emotional blackmail to inveigle her NRI son into a marriage with the right sort of desi girl; a reluctant groom with a live-in girlfriend following him all the way to India; a bride on the rebound from a disastrous liaison with a married man; skeletons rattling in old family cupboards; an aunt on the vengeance trail ? and we have a heady cocktail of an arranged wedding that morphs into a love marriage with quite the wrongest possible girl?with a little tactical help from long-dead ancestors. Written in a refreshingly original style, Marry Go Round is one quaint combine of today?s merrily irreverent humour and a staid Hyderabadi milieu with its Nawabi hangover from grandiose times long past.


*NOTE: We (The Readdicts) received a copy of Marry Go Round by Sadiqa Peerbhoy from Leadstart Publishing in exchange for an honest review. We thank the publishing house for the book! 

Marry Go Round sounded like a fun and frilly read and that's exactly how it turned out to be. Obviously, that means that there are possibilities of a cliché, but honestly, this book was anything but that. I was at the edge of my seat till the very end, thinking about which girl our hero Riaz would end up with and I was quite happy with the ending. I do enjoy these kind of chick lit and girly reads once in a while- once in a while being the most important part of the sentence. 
Marry Go Round is set in the charming city of Hyderabad, and the story takes place in a typical Hyderabadi Muslim home. Fortunately for me, I go to Hyderabad quite often so I know almost everything about the city. Although I've never really visited a Muslim home there, I've heard tons of stories about it. 
Riaz's mom wants her only son to get married as soon as possible for reasons only she knows. Working in New York, Riaz has a hip life going on there and he even has a White girlfriend Sarah. To make her son come visit, Sartaj Jehan makes drama that could beat any of those ridiculous soaps they air on TV. On Riaz's return, the drama takes a whole new turn and it's a silly but enjoyable ride. 
Each character in the book added their own unique personality to the whole story in general. Sartaj's inner dialogue and English were funny and her husband's Shakespeare obsession and quotes and hunger pangs added more humour. From Riaz's girlfriend to his suitors to his suitors' parents to his cousins to his relatives to his friends, everyone made this book a joyful ride. 
Author Sadiqa Peerbhoy's writing was charming and kind of reminded me of Salman Rushdie. She has written an absolutely enjoyable book that captures the charm of a hearty Muslim household and of the Nizam's bejewelled city of Hyderabad. 
Marry Go Round had many aspects relating to marriage that I don't quite like or even understand for that matter but the book ended with a type of marriage I love so I can oversee all the other flaws. The book can be read like a romantic comedy Bollywood movie where you don't really need to use your brain. All you gotta do is read and enjoy the ride. 


Friday, November 29, 2013

Guest Post + Giveaway (INT)- Out of the Cave by Cotton E. Davis

Hello, readers! Today we are spotlighting a very interesting historical cum futuristic book on our blog. It's called Out of the Cave and is written by Edward Davis under the pen name of Cotton E. Davis

I wish I could squeeze in this book in my reading schedule, but a huge pile of review books and exams has made it difficult. Nonetheless, if it's not me- it can be you. There's a giveaway for the book below in this post where you can win an e-copy of the book from the author. 

We also have a super interesting Guest Post in the form of a Character Interview with the protagonist Adam for you. We've done both individually before but never in one single post so this is a first and a one of it's kind post. 

Without much ado, let's get to know the book more! 


A neaderthal boy is time transported to the 21st century and eventually mainstreamed into a public high school.

The year is 2036. Fifteen-year-old-Kelly Tracer moves to Rivertown, Missouri, population 1900, where she enrolls in the local high school to begin her sophomore year. Imagine Kelly's surprise when she learns of another newcomer to Rivertown High, a sophomore like herself: a boy from 40,000 years in the past. A Neanderthal.

Further imagine Kelly's shock when she learns Neanderthals were not fellow Homo sapiens but were instead a seperate species of humans unto themselves. She remembers the boy being time transported to the twenty-first century from watching the news when she was six years old. Now, nine years later, he is being mainstreamed.

Kelly is further surprised when she sees Adam (the name humans have given him) in the flesh. Like his long-extinct people, he is heavily muscled with thick brow ridges above his eyes and possessed of a protruding muzzle of a mouth and only a slight chin. Then there is his humongous, spreading nose. More thuggish than simian-looking, Adam's primitive looks put Kelly off. Scare her even.

Kelly gets another surprise. Adam speaks English like an American. Raised by scientists since his sixth year, he sounds just like any other American kid, except for a touch of bass in his voice's timbre. Also, Adam is nothing like the dully fierce caveman stereotype Kelly expected. Aside from being shy, he is mild and thoughtful and quite considerate of the feelings of others. Adam is also very mature for his few years; an evolutionary response, according to his paleoanthropologist adoptive father, to living in the harsh conditions of a major Ice Age.

Not surprisingly, Kelly finds herself liking him.

You guessed it, Kelly and Adam will eventually become an item. But, before that, they'll go through enough tribulations to try the patience of a saint. After-all, the world is no more perfect in the year 2036 than it was in Adam's time.



My author's nom de plume is Cotton E. Davis, "Cotton" being a nickname I was given in high school.  My real name is Edward Davis. I'm sixty-seven years old and have been retired for the past ten years, more or less Forrest Gumping my way through the past five or six decades of my so-called life.  I was born in Washington, Missouri in 1946.  I joined the U.S. Air Force in 1965 where I served first as a ground and later air radio operator, the last two years of which were spent in the country of Thailand.  There, I was part of an air crew that flew reconnaissance missions over Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.  I also served as a sort of de facto squadron interpreter between my outfit's administration and its Thai employees.  Discharged in 1969, I worked for a year, then attended college at the University of Missouri, where I earned (if that's the word) a degree in journalism.  I've worked as a reporter on three newspapers, was a freelance magazine writer for some years, but mainly managed businesses on both coasts of the U.S.  I retired from working for the City of Spokane, Washington in 2003 and am now struggling to write novels in my spare time.


It's now time for that interesting one of it's kind post I told you about. I'm excited for you to read it and I hope you enjoy it just as much I did when I first read it. Happy reading! 

                                       INTERVIEW WITH A VAM...NEANDERTHAL

"This is the first time I've ever spoken to a book character."

Adam the Neanderthal man:  
"You were expecting Anne of Green Gables, maybe?"

"No offense, but you look scary...especially now that you're fully grown."

"Just be glad I'm not the Frankenstein monster or Grendel."

"What are you, in you're mid-fifties?  You were a teenager in the pages of Out of the Cave."

Adam (grinning):  
"I was even more clueless than human teens at the time."

"I'm told you have a sense of humor."

"We Neanderthals even smiled occasionally."

Interviewer (laughs):  
"I'm a little surprised."

"Didn't you read Out of the Cave?"

"My shock comes not so much from your being a Neanderthal.  It's more your...."

"Looks.  They've been described as primitive and subhuman.  Brutish even."

"May I describe you to our readers?"

"Go ahead."

"Adam is heavily muscled.  Possesses thick brow ridges above his eyes and owns a huge nose that

                       dominates much of his face.  Above all that, he has a slanting forehead that makes him look almost simian and hardly any chin."

"The author described my appearance as 'thuggish.'"

"Again, I don't wish to be rude but, if I were casting a gangster movie, you'd play the mob juice man."

"Kelly, my girlfriend, was put off by my appearance when we first met.  I may have scared her."

"To clarify things, she's a human being but you're not."

Adam (nodding): 
"I'm what paleoanthropologists call a Homo neanderthalensis.  That's another species of hominid."

"A species long extinct."

"We went down the evolutionary toilet approximately 30,000 years ago."

"And your people were much stronger than mine.  Isn't that right?"

"We had to be.  We hunted Paleolithic mega fauna with stabbing spears tipped with flint points.  It was
               killing up close and personal. Cave bears and giant elk didn't relish being hunted and tended to lash out at their tormentors."

"When modern humans meet you, how do they react?"

"Most are polite enough. Others are shocked. Some think I'm the missing link and are surprised to learn I'm not covered with fur."

"Tell us about your girlfriend Kelly.  Was she pretty?"

"To me, she was beautiful.  Your readers will have to read Out of the Cave to corroborate that statement."

"I got the impression she was good-hearted."

Adam frames his face with thick sinewy hands:  
"Anyone who could love this face would have to be."

"I remember liking her."

"I wish everyone at Rivertown High had."  
(He ponders a moment)  
"She had her problems."

"Was it love at first sight with you two?"

"For me, yes.  It took a while for Kelly.  We were, after all, in high school."

"Where you had problems of your own, as I recall."

"Like I said, it was high school."

"You were forced to deal with older bullies."

"At first.  As we established earlier, I'm quite a bit stronger than humans."

"And what do you think of humankind?"

"Most of you are okay, but is sure is strange that every time the human race came in contact with another species of hominid back in pre-historic times, that species went extinct."

"Like your people."

Adam patiently nods.

"How would you compare humans and Neanderthals intelligence-wise?"

"I was wondering when you'd get around to that one."

"How did the Neanderthal brain stack up with that of Homo sapiens?"

Adam (matter-of-factly):  
"My people's brains were larger."

Interviewer (surprised):  

"Larger, but wired differently.  Due to our smaller neocortices (plural of neocortex) Neanderthals weren't as adept at thinking outside the box as yours. Humans contemporary with my people possessed superior tools, and weapons. Therefore, they possessed better survivor skills."

"Can you elaborate?"

"My people had better memories, but yours were superior at thinking laterally."

"And yet, you are able to function quite well in modern society."

"I can perform everyday tasks as well as the average Joe, but I'll never be a rocket science or brain surgeon. You humans didn't survive my kind for no reason."

"Let's get back to Kelly.  How did you win her?"

"I didn't.  I was young and socially awkward...and had no game whatsoever.  We just sort of fell in love.  To this day, I don't know what she saw in me."

"I can't believe you had no skills with females whatsoever."

Adam (Laughing):  
"Don't forget, we cavemen used to court our women with clubs."

Wasn't that fun? Let's get on to the giveaway now. 


One PDF copy of Out of the Cave is up for grabs. 

The giveaway rules are simple: 

*The giveaway is open internationally. 
*Fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter. 
*Winner will have 48 hours to respond once emailed or else we'll be compelled to pick another winner. 

That's all- wish you good luck! 

Add the book to your Goodreads Want To Read pile here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I hope you all enjoyed this post because I sure enjoyed putting it up for you. 

Before we end, I'd like to thank Edward for stopping by the blog today, for a superb Guest Post and for the generous offer to give away a copy of his book. Thank you, Ed! 

Thank you, readers, for stopping by! 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Review- Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi


It's been months since Aria learned of her mother's death. 

Months since Perry became Blood Lord of the Tides, and months since Aria last saw him.

Now Aria and Perry are about to be reunited. It's a moment they've been longing for with countless expectations. And it's a moment that lives up to all of them. At least, at first. 

Then it slips away. The Tides don't take kindly to former Dwellers like Aria. And the tribe is swirling out of Perry's control. With the Aether storms worsening every day, the only remaining hope for peace and safety is the Still Blue. But does this haven truly exist?

Threatened by false friends and powerful temptations, Aria and Perry wonder, Can their love survive through the ever night? 

In this second book in her spellbinding Under the Never Sky trilogy, Veronica Rossi combines fantasy and sci-fi elements to create a captivating adventure-and a love story as perilous as it is unforgettable.

I thoroughly enjoyed buddy reading this with Aman @ Enticed by Books. You can find her review here.


It had taken me some time to warm up to Under the Never Sky because it was a whole new world and it took time getting used to. That was so not the case with Through the Ever Night. The book starts off with a bang. I did  not surface till about 30% of the book had flown by me. After that, it was a little okay for me cause Perry and Aria get separated.

In this book there is lot of development with the characters and the plot. Aria is a changed person. She is strong and determined, focused on her goal. Her love for Perry is unquestionable and it was great to see how she always wanted what was best for him. Overall, I liked her more and more in this book. Her friendship with Roar just cemented it more for me.

Then we have Perry. A lot of responsibility is put on Perry in Through the Ever Night. He struggles with the weight of it, but comes through by the end. All this also puts a strain on Perry and Aria's relationship, with the distance between them. But Perry gets through his rough patch. In the previous book we saw them together, but in this one their individual personalities shine through.

Roar has been my favorite person in this series through day one. I was happy to see him present for almost all of the book. But the things that happen with him in this book were heart breaking. The one main reason I want to desperately get my hands on Into The Still Blue is to see how Roar is doing. We get to meet a ton of new characters from Perry's tribe. Some unexpected reappearances happen.

With the way things end, it has become a lot more dangerous. Now, the quest for the Still Blue is the only thing that can keep everyone alive. Veronica Rossi has created a unique world. Her writing is engaging and once you're into the book, it keeps you hooked. This book was much more character driven than the last one and I think that's why I enjoyed it more.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #67

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi
Publication Date: 28th January, 2014


The earth-shattering conclusion to Veronica Rossi's "masterpiece" Under the Never Sky trilogy and sequel to the New York Timesbestselling Through the Ever Night (

Their love and their leadership have been tested. Now it's time for Perry and Aria to unite the Dwellers and the Outsiders in one last desperate attempt to bring balance to their world.

The race to the Still Blue has reached a stalemate. Aria and Perry are determined to find this last safe-haven from the Aether storms before Sable and Hess do-and they are just as determined to stay together.

Meanwhile, time is running out to rescue Cinder, who was abducted by Hess and Sable for his unique abilities. And when Roar returns to camp, he is so furious with Perry that he won't even look at him, and Perry begins to feel like they have already lost.

Out of options, Perry and Aria assemble a team to mount an impossible rescue mission-because Cinder isn't just the key to unlocking the Still Blue and their only hope for survival, he's also their friend. And in a dying world, the bonds between people are what matter most.

In this final book in her stunning Under the Never Sky trilogy, Veronica Rossi raises the stakes to their absolute limit and brings her epic love story to an unforgettable close.

I just finished reading Through the Ever Night and I can't wait to find out what happens next with Perry and Aria. Also, I need MORE ROAR! <3
What are you waiting on?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #9

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's topic is- 

With Thanksgiving coming up this Thursday in the USA, we thought it would be fun to see what we're all thankful for! This can be bookish or not. It's completely up to you!

Here's my list (in no particular order)-

1) FAMILY/ HOME: My family is my home. They're where I want to be. 

2) FRIENDS: They can be a pain sometimes, but they add so much fun to life. 
Obviously, Janhvi deserves a special mention here just because she does. 

3) HARRY POTTER: I haven't come across any book that has changed my life so drastically. 

4) FOOD: Yes, I like to believe that I live to eat. 

5) FRENCH: It's been many years since I've been learning and loving learning French and I feel like I've found my passion. 

6) BOOKS: They could either be life-changing or life-saving or neither but I cannot deny the fact that they make life better. 

7) BOOK BOYFRIENDS: Although they increase my expectations, they help my imagination. 

8) MUSIC: Music saves my life. Everyday. (I even have a tee-shirt with that written on it.) 

9) MEMORIES: I don't like to remember what happened but I can't stop myself from missing it and I'm thankful I at least have some bitter yet sweet memories rather than nothing at all. About what, I won't tell. *smirks*

10) LIFE: Yeah, you can ask Janhvi. I can very, very philosophical so I'll just end on where it all begins. 

What are you thankful for? And because it is all about thanking today, thank YOU too- whoever you are- you are awesome! 

Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Review- Roar and Liv by Veronica Rossi

Goodreads Summary:

Before Perry and Aria, there was Roar and Liv.

After a childhood spent wandering the borderlands, Roar finally feels like he has a home with the Tides. His best friend Perry is like a brother to him, and Perry's sister, Liv, is the love of his life. But Perry and Liv's unpredictable older brother, Vale, is the Blood Lord of the Tides, and he has never looked kindly on Roar and Liv's union. Normally, Roar couldn't care less about Vale's opinion. But with food running low and conditions worsening every day, Vale's leadership is more vital—and more brutal—than ever. Desperate to protect his tribe, Vale makes a decision that will shatter the life Roar knew and change the fate of the Tides forever.

Under the Never Sky series: 


Roar and Liv is actually a prequel to author Veronica Rossi's Under the Never Sky series, but I think that because it came out after the first book's release, everyone read it as a 1.5 instead of a 0.5 novella. I am explaining this because when I started reading it, I had no idea as to what was happening and why it was happening since the way Under the Never Sky ended, Roar and Liv could just not have what it had. Then I saw that it was 0.5, my brain went into putting two and two together and the story made absolute sense and turned out to be an even more amazing read, albeit short, than Under the Never Sky
There were a lot of side characters in 
Under the Never Sky  Even though each of them was important in their own way and well portrayed by author Veronica Rossi, I was deeply engrossed in the interaction and chemistry between the protagonists, Aria and Peregrine. 
Once I started reading 
Roar and Liv, I found that Roar is simply amazing. His point of view, which lasts throughout the book, was just as amazing as him. His thoughts were so good that they made me like him even more. Author Veronica Rossi has put down Roar's view beautifully.  
Roar and his grandmother go to Peregrine's father, Jodan, who gives the two food and shelter and Roar two best friends. Roar, Liv and Peregrine know each other since childhood. Roar and Peregrine's friendship is strong, fun and loyal making Roar seem like more of a brother to Peregrine than his real brother, Vale. Roar feels a deep attraction towards Liv which turns into a sweet love. But where there is love, there are tons and heaps of problems. I always enjoy forbidden, behind the scenes and heartbreaking romances and Roar and Liv's was just the same. 
Overall, Roar and Liv was an amazing novella that ended unhappily which I love but with the promise of more to come. I absolutely enjoyed this one. 


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Review- Horseshoe Garage by Hitesha


Though he has gotten used to his salary and his job at Grant Motors, Sarvesh still finds himself waking up in the middle of the night, his heart pounding with the excitement of a Neo-Racing dream. The technologically advanced cars and the smell of the burnt rubber of the tyres haunt him all the time. When Neo-racing creates space for a team from India, Sarvesh is determined to be a part of it. Tagging along as a non-description member of another giant team is not going to suffice. Along with his best friend Rags, he is determined to lead his own team on to Neo-racing race circuits. Naaz is an orphan who has been raised in a garage and has never studied beyond the fourth grade. She has taught herself all that she knows about cars by working alongside sweaty mechanics. This knowledge allows her to deduce in three seconds that the car design created by Sarvesh and Rags will not qualify for New-Racing. Friendship is tested, loyalties are questioned and spirits are broken in this challenging race to achieve an impossible dream.


You know the time when you start a book with absolutely no expectations and then you end up liking it so much that it blows your mind away? That's exactly what happened with me for Horseshoe Garage. It was an amazing and unique read with a new concept. I really enjoyed it with its quirky characters.

Horseshoe Garage is the story of Sav. He has always dreamed of making a car for Neo racing. He's always loved the smell of burnt tyre and technologically advanced cars. So when Neo racing comes to India, Sav signs up for it with a team. I really liked Sav. He had nothing extra ordinary about him except for his passion for cars. It made him a totally relatable character.

Then there is Naaz. She is a mechanic and basically a genius where is comes to any kinds of cars. When Sav and his best friend Rags, decide to form a team for Neo racing they stumble across Naaz and she becomes the most important member in the team. I loved Naaz. Her knowledge of cars was unparalleled. When Sav meets Naaz he is completely smitten by her. Her talk of cars gets him hot. I loved loved loved how their story went.

Sav and Rags form a team consisting of various members from any place they can find. Rags also has a girlfriend called Kam. Rags and Kam somehow reminded me of America and Shepley from Beautiful Disaster. They were the lovey dovey couple with loads of PDA going on. Horseshoe Garage is not only about the romance though. There is a ton about neo racing and cars.

The author knows her cars well and even though I'm not a big car fanatic, she got me interested in all its dynamics. You can actually feel the thrill of racing in Horseshoe Garage. It was exhilarating. Horseshoe Garage has an excellent, unique plot, a bunch of fun characters, romance, betrayal, friendship and everything else you could ask for.I flew through the pages. I thoroughly enjoyed Horseshoe Garage.

*Note: A copy of this book was provided by Leadstart Publishing in exchange for an honest review. We thank them.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Review- Schasm by Shari J. Ryan

Goodreads Summary: 

When reality utterly fails you, there is always the comfort of the land of dreams. Chloe Valcourt, a tormented nineteen-year-old young woman, has for twelve years hovered between a daily life dominated by an abusive mother and an imagined alternate world that exists only in her mind’s eye. Can she keep track of which is real—and whether or not she is real, too? Schasm is the mind-bending young adult romance by Shari J. Ryan that mines the heart of darkness, where one young woman seeks light in her own shimmering daydreams. 

A psychological condition has captured the body, mind, and soul of Chloe, and thrust her into the hands of probing doctors at the continued mercy of her tyrannical mother. As she struggles to break free of the grim life into which she was born, she continues to suffer the daily assaults from her mother and the dispiriting weakness of her dejected father. When Chloe unexpectedly finds herself drawn into a new, warm life abundant in love and romance with a kindhearted man named Alex, the escape at last gives her a happiness that she's never been allowed to feel. However, when hidden truths reveal a life that she cannot remember, Chloe finds herself lost between what is real and what isn't. 

Blending extreme daydreaming, alternating realities, and multiple personalities, Schasm is a gripping tale that treads the thin line between a harrowing reality and the captivating terrain of an imagined world. As Chloe plays too close to the edge of insanity, her multiple realities clash, leaving her to question everything, including her own existence. Anyone who relishes a flight of fancy with richly drawn characters and surprising twists of plot will be immersed in the strange new world of Schasm, where nothing is at it seems.


*NOTE: We (The Readdicts) received a copy of Schasm from author Shari J. Ryan in exchange for an honest review. We thank Shari for the book! 

Schasm sounded like a very interesting read when author Shari J. Ryan first emailed us about it. I am deeply intrigued by people with psychological disorders but I never really got any chance to read a book based on similar terms. So when Schasm came along, I knew I had to read the book. 
Unfortunately for me, albeit interesting, Schasm was nothing but utterly confusing. I get that such a book has to be confusing, but there is a huge difference between mind fuck good confusing and plain not understandable confusing. Know what I mean? So yes, this one was the latter.  
Schasm is the story of Chloe who comes from a family of people having psychological disorders and I really liked getting to know about them all but it wasn't very detailed. Chloe herself can drift and travel to another time and another place as and when she likes or sometimes unexpectedly even. Her various journeys have her discovering new things and uncovering old tales. 
The book was a confusing amalgamation of Contemporary with Fantasy and I hate to say this because maybe it's my fault, but I didn't quite catch it all. I think that maybe I should read this book once again to understand it better but I am afraid there are plenty more books waiting and what if I don't still get it anyway? 
I tried very hard to look at Schasm with different perspectives, especially after seeing some solid four and five star reviews for the book on Goodreads. I do still love my cliffhanger endings and dose of confusion but I really wanted to understand this book and the protagonist's problem. I was hoping against hope that by the end of it all, everything would be fine and I'd get my answers, but I didn't. 
Author Shari J Ryan's writing is really good and simple and that's always a huge plus when the topic that's being dealt with is complicated. Also, I loved the length of the book- it was short which made it easy and quick to read. So yes, there are tons of good things about the book. 
Personally, I am a huge fan of dreams and am always trying to figure out what they convey. I am also a huge fan of drifting so basically, what Schasm covers up is something I really hold dear. It is really very captivating and makes you want to know more and I hope there is more to come because I didn't get that ending. 


Friday, November 22, 2013

Guest Post- Top Ten Bookish Fictional Characters by India Book Store

Hello, everyone! Today, we have with us some really cool people from India Book Store who have given us a list of top ten favourite bookish fictional characters as part of a fun and unique Guest Post. The list sure is fantastic. Let's get on to it directly with a little about IBS. 


 IndiaBookStore is a Book Search Engine which helps you find the best deals on books. We are book lovers ourselves; we define ourselves as 'Of the Bookish, By the Bookish, For the Bookish.' Check out our book blog here. and start finding the cheapest books here. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter. Happy Reading! 


I now hand over the post to the wonderful peeps at IBS. 

Any book lover would agree that if two book loving strangers met, they wouldn’t stay strangers for long; there would always be a handy topic to break the ice– What Have You Been Reading? As Anne of Green Gables would probably put it, meeting another book-lover is like meeting a ‘kindred soul’. The same can be said to be true even of fictional characters one meets, whether in books or movies. When you come across a fictional character who loves to read,  you can easily relate to him or her. Growing up with Hermione Granger and Belle, I learnt that it is cool to be bookish, never mind the negativity associated with the term in certain (less evolved, dare I say?) minds! Here are a few unforgettable characters that embrace their love for books: 

Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons

Born to Homer and Marge Simpson, Lisa is the middle child in this dysfunctional American family and its most intellectual member. She finds herself a misfit, due to her superior intelligence, but nevertheless loves her family members. She loves to read all kind of books ranging from Astronomy to Medicine, from Economics to Philosophy! She is a self-righteous person who stands up against evil and is known for her courage.


Belle from Beauty and the Beast

Belle is the fifth in line of the Disney Princess series and is a well-known bookworm. Yet she is no damsel in distress. Though young and beautiful, it is her independence and self-reliance, more than her beauty, that define her. She makes the perfect role model for girls of all ages. Her love for books is profound, with her reading books throughout the day, no matter where she is - the market or the road!


Hermoine Granger from The Harry Potter series

The first impression one gets of Hermione Granger is that of a big ‘Know-it-all’. But once you read the first few chapters, you realize that you were wrong and she is just a very intelligent girl trying to fit into the world of Magic by devouring all available knowledge on Magic through books. Be it the Library or the Great Hall or the spot on the shore of the lake where the trio hang out, it is impossible to see Hermione without a book in her hand!


Matilda Wormwood from Matilda

Though Roald Dahl is a well-known author, this character of his doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Matilda Wormwood is a gifted four-year-old girl who loves to read books. Her parents do not recognize her great intelligence and she is often snubbed by her negligent, dimwitted parents who consider their daughter's incredible literacy skills and knowledge as worthless. She discovers she has psychokinetic powers which she uses to her advantage to help out her friends.


Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo

Every ‘80s kid would remember this pleated-skirt-wearing bespectacled character, comfortable in her Mary Janes, who kept losing her glasses thanks to the chaos that ensued in each episode of the Scooby Doo series.  Velma Dinkley is the smart one in the group who usually figures out the mystery in every episode. Her sister Madelyn describes Velma as being “born with a mystery book in her hand"!


Tyrion Lannister from The Game of Thrones

Finally… a male on this list! A shrewd and educated man, Tyrion Lannister from The Game of Thrones is often seen in company of his books and states “My mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his war hammer and I have my mind... and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone if it is to keep its edge. That’s why I read so much”. Often belittled by others due to his size (he’s a dwarf), he scores over his enemies by using his wit and knowledge that makes others wary of him. What he lacks in size and strength, he makes up for it with his sharp acumen and wisdom.


Josephine "Jo" March from Little Women

One of the earliest feminists in English literature, Jo March from Little Women is the second eldest of the four daughters of the March family. She is a geeky tomboy with a strong willed personality who loves reading literature and is often said to be ‘un-ladylike’ for being outspoken and opinionated. She stands out from her sisters because of her character and that’s what makes her everybody’s favorite little woman. No wonder she’s the one the author chose to centre the sequel around.


Probably the world’s most well-known detective, Sherlock Holmes was a man of great intellect and he read a variety of books, mostly related to science. Holmes believes that all kind of knowledge is beneficial to the detective and he describes himself as "an omnivorous reader with a strangely retentive memory for trifles."


Liesel Meminger from The Book Thief

Liesel, from The Book Thief, is a kind hearted girl who loves to read books so much that she starts to steal them even before she learns to read. She understands the power of books and has an insatiable thirst for them. They are her source of comfort during the period of war while she sits in the basement waiting for the air raids to be over.


Scout Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird

 The little voice of innocence in To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout Finch is an inquisitive child and she loves to ask questions. She is highly talented and is a tomboy who is often asked to be more ‘lady-like’. About reading, she says "Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing." 
 There are so many more such characters that can be listed down, but the above mentioned are the favorites for many of us. They go through a life very similar to that of their readers, and they show us that reading books is not just a hobby, not just a passion in your life; it IS life.
      - written by Vanathi Parthasarathi

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