
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #9

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's topic is- 

With Thanksgiving coming up this Thursday in the USA, we thought it would be fun to see what we're all thankful for! This can be bookish or not. It's completely up to you!

Here's my list (in no particular order)-

1) FAMILY/ HOME: My family is my home. They're where I want to be. 

2) FRIENDS: They can be a pain sometimes, but they add so much fun to life. 
Obviously, Janhvi deserves a special mention here just because she does. 

3) HARRY POTTER: I haven't come across any book that has changed my life so drastically. 

4) FOOD: Yes, I like to believe that I live to eat. 

5) FRENCH: It's been many years since I've been learning and loving learning French and I feel like I've found my passion. 

6) BOOKS: They could either be life-changing or life-saving or neither but I cannot deny the fact that they make life better. 

7) BOOK BOYFRIENDS: Although they increase my expectations, they help my imagination. 

8) MUSIC: Music saves my life. Everyday. (I even have a tee-shirt with that written on it.) 

9) MEMORIES: I don't like to remember what happened but I can't stop myself from missing it and I'm thankful I at least have some bitter yet sweet memories rather than nothing at all. About what, I won't tell. *smirks*

10) LIFE: Yeah, you can ask Janhvi. I can very, very philosophical so I'll just end on where it all begins. 

What are you thankful for? And because it is all about thanking today, thank YOU too- whoever you are- you are awesome! 

Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans! 


  1. Great post! I studied French in high school and loved it! I wish I would have continued in college, and unfortunately I've forgotten most of it :( I hope to pick it up again someday! Might be going to Paris for my honeymoon, so that would be the perfect motivation!

    1. Hahaha, I could help you with it. And that's so cool! Have a lovely time there. Thanks for stopping by, Tina.

  2. I studied French in Junior High and loved it but by HS they dropped it as an option. Now many years later I barely remember any :( I love that you have HP on the list amongst all those you'd expected Family,Friends etc.. Great list.

    1. Aw, but you still got to study it. Harry Potter is practically my life. Thanks for stopping by, Kristin.

  3. Book Boyfriends should have made my list. I have so many of them :)
    My TTT-

    1. Haha- me too! Thanks for stopping by, Angelica.

  4. I love your list Sarika! I'm very philosophical too :) I'm very thankful for my life as well, because I died and the doctor's brought me back several times. I had a 10% chance of living. Great Post friend!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Good to know that, Lindy. Aw, that's really horrifying. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Awesome list!! Especially like the book boyfriends. Although I feel all my reading about them is going to leave me a tad disappointed with a real life one! ;)

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Exactly, but they're still amazing, the fictional ones, I mean! Thanks for stopping by, Jessica.

  6. I picked music, too :). This is a great list!
    Ninja Girl

  7. Great list! I chose to do a Bookish Top 10!

    Here's My TTT

    1. I'll go have a look. Thanks for stopping by, Nikki!

  8. Great post girl!! :) I didn't do my TTT this week but it'd be similar to yours. But with few changes. Mainly I'm thankful for English as I can enjoy all these amazing books!! Imagine I didn't speak it, it'd be a huge handicap. So true about book boyfrieds! Grea line girl ;)

  9. Great post and so many things to be thankful for! You have got to love HP, not sure what I would do without it tbh! My TTT.

  10. This is a spectacular list, Sarika! Family, home, friends all wonderful things to be thankful for, but I also love your mention of book boyfriends! Lol! I would love to learn French! I visited Paris earlier this year and it's such an amazing place, I'd love to feel more at home there. :)

    1. Aw, that's amazing. I hope to visit Paris someday too. Thanks for stopping by, Rachel!


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!