
Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #6

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week' topic is:
This week we are talking about sequels we can't wait to get our hands on!

Here's my list: 
Some of the sequels I have on my list might already be out, but I haven't read them yet and I sure am waiting to get my hands on them so I'm having them up. Also, because my Goodreads isn't loading, I can't give any links so it's only book covers this time. Here we go! 


Link me up to your posts and happy Tuesday! 


  1. Across A Star Swept Sea is awesome! I loved For Darkness but it's even better. Hope you get your hands on these soon!

    Chel @ The Procrastinator's Corner

    1. SO good to hear that, Chel. I can't wait to read it.

  2. OOh nice list! Haven't read these series but hope you enjoy them once you get them!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Can't wait for Ignite Me either! Warnerrr <3 <3
    Crescendo is great, and I love the whole series so much. Same with Faking It! That one is my fave book of Cora's so far. Hope you get to it soon and love it :)

    My TTT

    1. Yay for Warner! I can't wait to read the rest, Richa- you have me tempted.

  4. Some really great choices here! There are so many that I need to read the first of!
    My TTT :)

  5. Ah girl I cannot wait to get my hands on Ignite Me!! I need to have it like now! Also I'll order myself a copy of Daughter of Smoke and Bone as I see it's a must read too. I hope you'll get these soon. Great list, Sarika :)

    1. I know! And you totally should. Thank you, Tanja.

  6. I am dying to read Tahereh Mafi's books and The Daughter of Smoke and Bone, they both look really incredible! My TTT.

  7. LOVVEEE your list. So many awesome books!

    Check out Our TTT

    Doris @ Owl Always Be Reading

  8. Good list you have here!!! Crescendo should be great!

  9. Faking It was so good! I think you'll enjoy it :) I love the book covers for Ignite Me, and Dreams of Gods & Monsters! Great Top 10 List!! I love things like this were I get exposure to peoples favorite and most anticipated reads!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape


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