
Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #15

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's topic is: 

our top ten bookish resolutions

so what are your resolutions for the new year in relationship to books and blogging?

My answer: 

1. Maintain a balance between books to be read for French Literature class, review books and pleasure books by reading one of each per week. 

2. Not take more than a week or a maximum of ten days to finish one book to avoid a reading slump. 

3. Say NO to review books unless it's something that sounds really interesting. 

4. Go ahead, pick up and read the pleasure books that have been sitting on my shelf looking pretty all this time. 

5. Try to read one paperback per week so that's about 3/4 per week. (I feel like I'm already failing at this.)

6. Not under-estimate or over-estimate my capacity to read and just go with the flow. 

7. A huge number of books read sounds really great by the end of the year and all that but the content read is what matters so be easy. 

8. Catch up with Janhvi on all the Contemporary series we read and love. 

9. Try to include a buddy read or two every month and thanks to Aman, that's possible

10. When I've mentioned Janhvi and Aman, how can I forget Tanja? So yes, try to read the two/ three books Tanja forces says I need to read. 

What are your resolutions? Link me up to your post in the comments! 



  1. "Go ahead, pick up and read the pleasure books" I need to remember to do that more often as they always seem to get pushed to the side. Great goals!

    1. I know. Let's do this, Whitney! We can do it. *fist bump*

  2. "Say NO to review books unless it's something that sounds really interesting. " YES, I'm totally with you on this one. I'll be trying to read more print books, too. I feel like I'm using my Kindle way too much these days, I miss the smell of paper :/

    1. Correct, right you are, Cayce. Let's give those pretties some attention! *thumbs up*

  3. Ooh nice ones! I've found myself already doing the "say now to review books unless it's something that sounds really interesting". I give each request thought and if it's not something that has me at the edge of my seat, I'll turn it down. I have quite the stack of books in my room that still need reading, many have been sitting there for a few years already!

    Definitely liking the sound of "picking up a pleasure book" but again, there's rarely time! I have sooo many books in my TBR pile that are all potentially a pleasure book!

    Good luck with your resolutions!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I know, pleasure books seem like a dream right now but if combined well with the whole no review book policy, we'll rock at this, Jessica!

  4. ROLF! I totally support the last one! ;) I'm waiting for that to happen and frankly I'd put it as my resolution too. I'm getting to read those NA books that you throw at me, ONE DAY! :D Anyhow great resolutions! The #3 I should write on my screen cause I never know how to do that! Great post Sarika ;)

    1. Hahaha! Of course, Tanja. I know, #3 is the most difficult to follow but I'm gonna do it. *fist bump*


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