
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #16

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top 10 Debuts I'm excited for-

1. Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

2. The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings

3. Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy

4. Salt by Danielle Ellison

5. Landry Park by Bethany Hagen

6. Open Road Summer by Emery Lord

7. The Chance You Won't Return by Annie Cardi

8. Far From You by Tess Sharpe

9. Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell

10. No One Else Can Have You by Kathleen Hale

I found a ton of debut authors who have fabulous looking books coming out in 2014 but these are just a few.
What are your picks?


  1. From your list I'm most looking forward to Landry Park. Great picks! :)

  2. You have amazing picks! I cannot wait for Landry Park! Thanks for visiting our page :)

    Leydy @ OUaT & Redcarpetendings

  3. I've read The Murder Complex already, looking forward to Landry Park though and maybe No One Else Can Have You.

  4. I love your list! We have a lot of overlap of our lists. Even without the overlap, I'm have to add Far From You and Landry Park to my tbr.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books

  5. The Murder Complex and Cruel Beauty is absolutely brilliant!! I hope you love them when you get them :)

    My TTT :)

  6. OOoh very nice! I swear almost everyone I have visited so far today has chosen Cruel Beauty and The Murder Complex! I chose CB myself as well! Cannot wait to read that one! Still have to preorder it, I better do that before I forget in my excitement!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Great List Jahnvi! I heard Cruel Beauty was awesome, and have been looking forward to Salt, Far From You, and No One Else Can Have You. I hope you get to read all of these books!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  8. Seriously, your list could be my list. We have a lot of the same books on there, and those that don't overlap I left off because I already covered them. Love your list.

    My TTT
    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

  9. Great list! I'm so excited for so many of these and a few made my list too. Side Effects May Vary looks sooo good, I can't wait to read that one! There seems to be so many good books coming out in 2014, I'm not sure where I'll find the time to read them all. I hope you get to all of your picks :) My TTT.


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!