
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #18

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's topic is: 

top ten worlds we'd never want to live in!

My list: 


The Toucan Trilogy: If I were a kid living in this book, I'd probably just cry the whole day. 

The Hunger Games: I'd love to meet Katniss and Peeta. But yeah, thanks, but no, thanks.

Shatter Me: I'm sure I can find a way out to meet Warner without actually being part of the emotionally draining set-up. 

Prophets of the Ghost Ants: All those insects... Yikes. 

Under the Never Sky: Honestly, I'd have a hard time understanding my own surroundings. 


Beachwood Bay and Sea BreezeBecause sex is cool, but I wouldn't want my life to be governed by it.  


House of Night: The drama would bore me to death. 

Lux: The cheesiness would have me irritated. 

Twilight: Boredom would both bore and irritate me. 

What's on your list this time? Link me up to your posts! 
Happy Tuesday and happy reading, everyone! 


  1. Great lists. I'm loving your reasons. :-) I'd be bored in the Twilight world too, especially if I was Bella!

    1. Hahaha, true that! Thanks for stopping by, Chrissi!

  2. LOL picking HON and Twilight was awesome the drama would bore me too! I also picked the Hunger Games
    Here is my TTT

  3. Your Fantasy picks are awesome. I definitely agree. Great list!

  4. HAHA twilight... made me laugh. The Hunger Games is definitely not a world I want to love in at all. I would visit Under the Never Sky just for Roar :)

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

    1. Hahaha! Yeah, Roar is amazing. Thanks for stopping by, Ashley!

  5. Hahaha! I would love to meet Cage too and just for me, I'll do anything. I'll need your help in UtNS though. Thanks for stopping by, Aman!

  6. Haha, House of Night, too much drama. That's a great reason, actually.

  7. I'm with you girl. I mean The Hunger Games are great and all that, but I'm find just here. I do love to read about it but not living it. LOL for Twilight. Imagine waiting for Edward to come back I'd probably jump from some bridge or something than sit in front of my window xD Great picks, girl :)

    1. Exactly. I'd probably just go hook up with Jacob. Hahaha! Thanks for stopping by, Tanja!


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!