
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #21

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's topic is:

Top 10 Reasons I love being a reader/book blogger:

Reasons I love being a READER:

1.Escaping Reality:
Reality sucks sometimes. I just love losing myself in different worlds and being in other people's heads. Its refreshing and weirdly calming.

Reading really gives me perspective over things. It makes me think over the different sides which may be present to a story or a person.

I love the brilliant world building we get to see in books be it paranormal, science fiction or fantasy. Hell, even a historical romance works. I love seeing the various settings.

       If you haven't already guessed I LOVE romance and reading fulfills the romantic side in me. I love seeing the hero heroine get their happily ever after.

Reading has made me so much more aware about things and issues which I wouldn't easily come across in real life. It has definitely made me more knowledgeable.

Reasons I love being a BOOK BLOGGER:

6.Sharing the love of books:
I love sharing the love of books and being a book blogger helps a ton. I can promote and publicize the amazingness of a book I loved.

7.The Authors:
Authors are the coolest people out there and I love meeting and talking with them. Being a book blogger gives you the opportunities to do so.

8.Finding new books:
I love reading reviews of books on other blogs and I've come across a ton of new to me books through other blogs. My tbr pile has become never ending but that's another thing.. ;)

9.Expressing myself:
Being a book blogger has given me the freedom to express my thoughts. I can rant or gush over a book and I always feel much better after doing it.

10.Free books:
I don't think I know a single hardcore reader out there who'll say no to free books. This is just one of the perks of being a book blogger which I thoroughly enjoy.

What are your reasons? I would love to know :)


  1. I'm a romance Junkie myself and I love the way a good love story will pull at my heartsrings and make me swoon =)

    Nette @ Nette's Bookshelf Reviews

  2. Seems like we are in complete agreement on our reasons for loving blogging and reading and I am not at all surprised by that : )

  3. Yes I love the authors and the free books-- it's so fun to get a sneak peek at new stuff coming out and you can't beat getting to read something for free!!

  4. Nice! Seeing a lot of free books for this one! Oddly, I don't get too many myself. I get the ones I want on occasion, and some surprise review books, but most of the time those are ones that I don't want to read and sometimes even fall outside my genre. Odd that they find their way to me. But still, gotta admit, whenever I get a book, I do love getting it!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I agree so hard with the books being gateways to a fresh perspective on things. Honestly, ten years ago I'd have probably never read a book with a male/male pairing. Jump to 2013 and one of my favorite books last year had main characters who were gay. If it wasn't for the character Armand in the Anne Rice books (which I started reading as a young teen) making me think differently I might've missed out on some great characters and books.

  6. Awesome post! I agree that free books are fantastic. I have learned so much from reading. My friend is always amazed when we play/watch Jeopardy and I will get certain categories all correct. Almost always comes from reading. Henry VIII and similar categories- thank you HF. :) Great post!

  7. OOo. Romance is a good reason to love reading! I am SO with you there! Thanks for visiting my TTT. :)

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

  8. Being a blogger really does allow you to learn about so many more books! I remember when I use to go the store and just pick out a book on a shelf. Now, I know what books are coming out months in advance! So much better! :)


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!