
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #22

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's topic is: 

top ten popular authors we've never read

My list: 

Yes, you read that right. I did try the Pride and Prejudice audio book once but I stopped halfway through. Shame on me. 

I have David Copperfield and Great Expectations lying on my shelf. Doing what, you ask? Looking pretty, of course! 

I will, one day, read the copy of The Catcher in the Rye that sits on my  shelf. 

I've watched, and like the rest of the world, been awed by Lord of the Rings movies and in spite of having two sets of the trilogy, I could never get past the Acknowledgements. Shame. On. Me. 

5) Jodi Picoult
I have this really cool habit. I collect Jodi Picoult books. And put them on my book shelf. Shame and I mean, shame on me. 

Come on, I need to read Not Without My Daughter
I'll probably go mad reading Arundhati Roy but isn't that the point of it? 

Seriously. I've been hearing so much about the author.

I've never read Danielle Steel and that's sad. 

Again, I'm like famous for not reading famous people. Ugh. 

Link me up to your lists! Happy Tuesday, guys! 


  1. Oh no! I haven't read from any of these authors, either. T_T I really need to read more classics and the Lord of the Rings series! We did a cosplay for that one in school and I hardly knew anything about my character. :(

    Aimee @ Read by the Undead

    1. Hahaha! Yeah, we need to read more classics. Thanks for stopping by, Aimee!

  2. Most of these I haven't read either! I've read Austen and Dickens and definitely think you'll enjoy them :D

    My TTT :)

    1. Then I must try them. Thanks for stopping by, Leah!

  3. Nice! Jodi made my list too. Although a chunk of the authors I chose don't write my genre. But Jodi does have one book I want to read. I have it too, just need to read it!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Ah yes, we need to read Jodi soon. Thanks for stopping by, Jessica!

  4. I read a lot of Danielle Steel when I was like 11-12 years old, not sure why I liked them at that age though.. :) I've never read most of the authors on your list either, I'm not much for classics and what not..
    Here's my TTT

    1. Hahaha! Yeah, that is strange. Thanks for stopping by, Petra!

  5. Oh now girl! Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. But you're breaking by heart!!!! They are my fave Victorian writers and maybe fave in the whole history of classic writers. You just must get to it :) For Danielle well you'll most likely love the first book of hers you read, but later they all get to be the same. Sheldon writes a hell of a mystery books. They are amazing if you love the genre :) Tolkinen is hard to through and thank goodness I have read it way before I started reading YA. Because I don't think I'd have patience for it now. I must say that Salinger is not someone I wish to see again. Really I couldn't enjoy Catcher even though I do see why it's a classic. Bottom line, you must finish P&P!!! :)))

    1. Aw, I shall, I shall, I shall. You're the best, girl!

  6. I'm not sure that I'd classify not having read Danielle Steele as 'sad'... of course I haven't read her either so, what do I know?

    I've never actually READ a Dickens book (other than A Christmas Carol, but does that really count?) ... I've listened to 'Great Expectations' and 'Oliver Twist' during my commute - I'm positive I would have never finished them had I not been a 'captive' audience.

    My Top Ten

    1. Hahaha! It's just because they're all so famous. Thanks for stopping by, April!

  7. The only author I've read from this list is Jane Austen: Jane Eyre, and I loved it! I don't mind if I haven't read some of these popular authors because my expectations might be so high that I'd be disappointed. Hope you get to and enjoy one of these authors soon, Sarika! :)

    1. That is definitively true. Well, I hope I do end up enjoying them. Thanks for stopping by, Rachel!

  8. Hahaha! That is one weird habit, Aman. And yes! Please read Taylor and Green. I hope you love their books!

  9. Hahaha, collecting Jodi Picoult books, oh, girl. My recommendation would be The Pact - that book is amazing.

    And, I haven't read most of those authors too.

    1. Hahaha! I'll go hunt that one for my collection. Thanks, Glass!

  10. Hey, don't feel too bad about not having read Jane Austen yet. Honestly, I only got around to reading some of her work just last year. And man, The Catcher in the Rye - I feel like that one is a basic right of passage for growing up and yet I haven't ever managed to read it either. Someday though, I will! Someday.


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!