
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #26

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's topic is:

Top Ten Bookish things (that aren't books) that I would like to own:

Frankly, I wouldn't mind owning anything bookish. I am not ashamed of showing off that I'm a reader or a fan girl of a particular series. My picks are-

1. Jewelry-
I LOVE jewelry so anything bookish would be fabulous to own.

2. Bags/totes-
Hell yeah, I wanna show off that I read!

3. Badges-
I adore book badges. They are so cute!

4. Mugs-
I would love to own mugs with some of my favorite book quotes.

5. T-shirts-
I would love to own this t-shirt

I already have a ton of book marks but you can never own enough of them.

7. Scarf-
I think this is such a cool bookish accessory.

8. Bookish pillow cover-
I know Sarika owns a Harry Potter one but I wouldn't mind owning any number of them.

9. iPhone covers-
I think these iPhone covers are super cool to show your love for books.

10. Bookish postcards-
Postcards have their own charm and I would love to own a few bookish ones.

Those are my picks.
What are yours?


  1. The scarf is amazing! Great picks :)

  2. I love Scrabble and books, so it pretty much goes without saying that I adore that tote. <3

    Check out my TTT and current giveaways!

  3. I like the book badges as well. And I put an iPhone cover on my list. My current cover is starting to look pretty shabby ...
    Here is my list.

  4. The bookish postcards are so cool!!! I would own so many of those! I am officially in love with that scarf. I am obsessed with scars, I own about 15 of them, and if you put bookish in front of scarf I am sold.
    My TTT

  5. OOoh very nice! Seeing lots of the scarves this week! Definitely have that on my wishlist and plan to buy one soonish!

    I goofed and looked at the wrong topic this week. So next week I'll be showcasing the bookish non-book items I want!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I have seen a lot of mugs looking through the TTT posts today, and I love them all! This one is particularly amazing because I love P&P so much :)


  7. Love your list, Janhvi. I'd especially like to have that pillow.


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!