
Friday, May 09, 2014

Guest Post + Giveaway (IN Only)- Business Doctors by Sameer Kamat

Hi guys! I have a very fresh and exciting post for you today. We are featuring the super sweet author Sameer Kamat, who has not just written an interesting guest post for us, but he has, very generously sent me the entire post! So without wasting any time, let's get on to what Sameer has in store for you! 

Giveaway - Business Doctors: Management Consulting Gone Wild by Sameer Kamat

This guest post is written by Sameer Kamat, author of Business Doctors -Management Consulting Gone Wild, a story based on the bizarre concept of management consultants trying to turn around an underworld organisation. On the day it got listed on Amazon India, it broke into the Top 25 in Indian Writing. A few days later, the Ebook cracked into the Amazon Top 25 in Action and Adventure.
Sameer is the founder of MBA Crystal Ball and Booksoarus. His first book, Beyond The MBA Hype published by HarperCollins, is currently in the third reprint. Sameer is the founder of MBA Crystal Ball, Booksoarus and Careerizma. He's also the creator of a Free Online Mini MBA that hopes to compete with the best mini MBA online programs in the world.

Is reading novels a waste of time?

Thank you Sarika and Janhvi for the opportunity to reach out to your readers. I assume most of them love fiction. However, there are a few who appear a little unsure of where their love for novels might be taking them. So, let me focus on a question that might pop up once in a while in the minds of many fiction fans.
I am active on several forums where I interact with readers, students and professionals. On one such forum, I saw the following query:

I find it more enjoyable to read novels over self-help books, but I still want to get knowledge from those books. Is it a waste of time by just reading what I like?

The response might sound a little ironic coming from an author. If you are in a similar boat, the perspectives that I share below might be helpful.
Given the context that you want more than just entertainment from the books you read, you will be wasting time if you read too much of anything that doesn't help your primary objective (of getting some new knowledge with every book you read).

That brings up another related question: 

Is fiction purely for entertainment? Is there no knowledge in it at all?

In the publishing world, fact doesn't need to sound like fiction, but fiction to a large extent needs to sound like fact. 

For this reason, some authors go to great lengths to research specific topics, people, emotions, illnesses, industries, phenomena and weave them into the stories to make them believable.

I can speak from personal experience. I've written 2 books (non-fiction and fiction). My first book, Beyond The MBA Hype fell in the non-fiction genre. Business Doctors is a regular novel with a twisted idea that hopefully will never see the light of day in the real world.

For both, I had to do a lot of research, but the quantum and range of what I did for fiction exceeded my non-fiction research. 

For the novel, I had to research industries like gambling, drugs and porn that I was never exposed to as a professional consultant and would probably never want to be associated with in real life either. 

But it was enlightening to link back the insights to the much of the wisdom and theory I had seen in academic books.

For my first (non-fiction) book, my goal was to educate more than entertain.
For Business Doctors, it’s the other way around. It’s written primarily to entertain, but I hope the reader gets to learn something new as well in a fun manner.
If you choose the right books (even in the fiction domain), you might gain more knowledge and in a shorter span of time, compared to reading boring, non-fiction books.
The operative word there is 'right books'. Choose the right genre. Instead of starting off on a clean slate, ask for recommendations (on forums such as Goodreads or voracious readers like Janhvi & Sarika).

You'll discover many gems that never got commercial success, but the wisdom in them makes it worth the effort spent discovering them. 

Switch genres once in a while. If you’ve only read Romance, Young Adult and Fantasy, try Thrillers, Mystery, Action & Adventure.

Your brain is powerful enough to connect the dots across disparate topics and give you a steady dose of mini-eureka moments.

Happy reading!

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Buy the Book: Flipkart | Amazon | Infibeam | Ebook
Business Doctors & Author Links: Facebook | Goodreads | Twitter 

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Sameer has generously offered to give away TWO copies of
 Business Doctors: Management Consulting Gone Wild
to two lucky Indian readers.

May the odds be ever in your favor! :)

Add on- Giveaway rules are simple:
*The giveaway is open to residents of India only. 
*Enter by filling out the Rafflecopter form. 
*Once winners are picked and emailed, they will have 48 hours to respond or else we'll be compelled to pick other winners.
*The book will be ordered/ shipped by the author. 

I'd like to thank Sameer for stopping by our blog today and making this super cool post for us. I'd also like to wish him lots of happiness and success in life. 

Thank you, readers, for stopping by! 


  1. Awesome guest post.
    On my tbr list now ^_^

    Aparna | Doodles, doodles everywhere

    1. Glad you liked the post, Aparna.

      Hope you like the book 'Business Doctors' too.

  2. I always thought of Management Consulting in Bollywood and once thought of it in the Underworld context too ... it would be interesting to read a novel based on that idea :)

    1. Good to see that the twisted idea did cross your mind too, Hemant bhai.

      Management Consulting might be too niche a field for Bollywood. So I gave it an international flavour. But there's plenty of Bollywood side masala in there.

      Let me know if the book has done justice to the theme.

      All the best with your entrepreneurial aspirations, buddy!

  3. The title of the book Business Doctor and the synopsis is very interesting, hope to win the book and will review it in my blog.

    1. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Nitin.

      Btw, why depend purely on lady luck?

      The book's interesting enough to deserve a visit to Flipkart / Amazon and order your copy :-)

      Hope to see the book review on your blog either ways.

  4. This book title is very Nice.And the synopsis is very interesting.
    All The Best.
    Keep It up Buddy.

  5. Deepak Venkata22 May 2014 at 11:16

    Wonderful cover! Looking forward to reading it. Have added to my to-read list on Goodreads :)

  6. added to my reading list, for sure gonna read it, looks promising, by the way i've worked with those kinda people, trust me, it's not what you will want after entering into dark world. 1 year mba


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