
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #30

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. 

Today's topic is:

top ten books read so far this year

Here's my list: 

Okay, before I begin, I have to admit that we've come to the halfway mark of the year and I haven't read many five stars books. I've read lots of books for my literature class and they've been nothing but enlightening and great. In terms of review books and pleasure books, I've experienced many reading slumps. It's not been as exciting a year in terms of reading as I would have liked it to be. At the same time, however, I have read a few exceptional reads that I'll be featuring on this list. Of course, I love my books and once in a while, I do come across something that blows me away completely. This year, I've discovered authors whose books I know for sure I will be checking out and reading more often. Also, not all of these are 2014 releases. They're just books I was lucky enough to read this year. Now that all that's out of the way, here we go! 






What about you, guys? What are the best books you've read so far? Any recommendations? Let me know in the comments below. Have a great Tuesday and happy reading! 


  1. Albert Camus nice! I'm tempted to read Love Letters to the Dead but then again I'm not really a contemporary reader so am sorta leery about my enjoyability factor. Nice list though.

    1. Oh, you'll love it, Kristin. And yes, Camus! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I totally know how you feel. If I did this list half of the books on it would be Shakespeare. But you still got to read some interesting books. Needless to say my review for Love Letters to the Dead will finally go up on Saturday! Yaya for me. Great list, Sarika :)

    1. Hahaha! High five to us. I'll be looking forward to your review, Girl. Thank you!

  3. Do you think Two Boys Kissing is 5 Star? I've been wanting to read it.

    1. Yes, absolutely. I loved that book. you can read my review for the same here. Thank you for stopping by!


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