
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #34

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. 

Today's topics is: 

top ten authors we own the most books of

Here's my list: 

1) J.K. Rowling: Well, of course I own all the books she's written so far. You name it, and I have it. 

2) Khaled Hosseini: Again people, you name it, and I have it. 

3) Meg Cabot: I don't have all of her books, but I do own two or three of her series and I thoroughly enjoy having them. 

4) Dan Brown: Well, almost everyone in my family has read some or the other book of his, so we make sure to buy all of his books. 

5) Chetan Bhagat: Once again guys, I have all his books. Yes, all. Or the ones he's written so far at least. 

6) Colleen Hoover: I shopped for her books like mad when the bookstores here had a sale and they had Colleen's books! 

7) Jamie McGuire: Honestly, I don't have all of her books. But, I have the Beautiful series and that includes not one, but two copies (and different editions at that) of Walking Disaster! 

8) John Green: I. Cannot. Resist. Buying. (And reading.) His. Books. 

9) Jodi Picoult: Every time there's a Jodi Picoult book on discount, I buy it. Simple as that. I have three so far. 

10) Stephenie Meyer: Yes, I grew up, but I still keep my Twilight saga. 

What authors made it to your lists? Let me know in the comments below and if you participated and made your post, link me up to it. Happy Tuesday and happy reading, everyone! 


  1. Great list, I still have my Twilight books too and I can't help buying John Green books! :)

  2. I need to read something by Meg Cabot. I never have!! As for the Harry Potter books, if I included the books my kids own then they would be on my list of most books owned by one author too :)

    Jackie @ No Bent Spines

  4. Nice! I loved Meg Cabot's Mediator series! I have all 6 in those plus her 2 vampire books she wrote. So yeah, 8 or 9 really since I do have 1 of her contemps, really didn't make the list since I have authors with more than 9 on my shelf, but some of those are short stories and novellas that I have dispersed in ebooks or anthologies!

    Great list!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I'm so happy to see Khaled Hosseini on your list, girl! I have read all his books and he really is an amazing author. Also I do have Twilight books, but I mean we all were young and well...Anyhow great list, Sarika! :)

  6. Lovely list. Khaled Hosseini is a great author.

  7. Now I must google Chetan Bhagat because that name's completely unfamiliar to me. Love the list - kind of neat to see what it reveals about us as readers!

  8. Love the list:) Try out John Connolly - love his books. With regard to your list- I want to be on it!

  9. Awesome, love seeing what books populate your shelves! Jo and John are also on my list as of course I had to have them all!! I also have Meg Cabot's Mediator series, but I haven't gotten around to them yet, unfortunately. Colleen Hoover is one I keep seeing around on people's blogs. Seeing what high praise you have for her definitely has me interested! I should give her stuff a try even if it's not my usual kind of read.


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