
Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #35

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Today's topic is:

top ten books we'd recommend to people who haven't tried historical fiction

I absolutely enjoy reading historical fiction every now and then. Yeah, most of mine are historical romances but I do enjoy the historical fiction genre overall. Here are my picks-






What are your picks? :)


  1. I love historical fiction - I find I tend to get sucked into it and read a bunch back to back. I haven't actually read any of your recs - LONGBOURN is one I recently acquired and plan to get to very soon. I'll have to check out some of the rest of these as well!

  2. I have read and loved most of the books on your list! Great picks! I also added Longbourn and Starcursed to my TBR.

    My Top Ten.

  3. I picked up Grave Mercy because it was on sale at my local bookstore and I loved it! I need to look into some of these books you recommended :)

    Here's My TTT :)

  4. Oh this is such a great list. For a long time I though that historical fiction is not for me, but then I have read some books (Grave Mercy being one of them) and realized my mistake. Great list, Janhvi :)

  5. Ooh nice! I've only read a very slim few historical fictions and that was before paranormal reads were more abundant on the shelves! I was craving paranormals back then too! For one of my historical fiction reads was The Historian!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Nice list, though I could not get into Grave Mercy
    My TTT

  7. I haven't read much of Historical fiction, but I absolutely love His Fair Assassin series!!! I can't wait until Mortal Heart releases!
    My TTT

  8. I can't believe I forgot Grave Mercy on my historical fiction list! Such a great book. I really must get to the second book soon! Thanks for sharing! ~Megan


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