
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #38

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Hi, guys! So I feel like I'm doing this meme after so long, and it has been a long time since we last did it. Anyway, this week's topic is: 

top ten books on my winter tbr

Once I get done with my exams in the first week of December, I have holidays until New Year so I'm hoping to catch up on some much needed reading, even though I'll be working on my research in the holidays. I can't promise ten books, but I'll put them down anyway. Some of these books, I even need to buy first in order to read them. Well, you get the deal. Reading, buying... All on my winter TBR! *winks* 




What's on your winter TBR? Let me know in the comments below and link me to your post so I can check it out. Happy Tuesday and happy reading, everyone! 


  1. I really want to read Let's Get Lost, it looks absolutely fantastic. I have Paper Towns and An Abundance of Katherines on my TBR pile, which I'll hopefully get to soon! I saw Stolen at my library the other day and I'm quite interested in reading it :)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

  2. OOh nice! These are all new to me reads! Hope you enjoy them all this winter!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Some great sounding books here! There are so many of them that I still need to read too :). I hope you enjoy!

    My Winter TTT

  4. I haven't read any of these books, but it looks like a great list! Here's my TTT. Happy reading!

  5. I need to read those two John Green books too. Especially Paper Towns! They've been sitting on my shelf for so long lol...

  6. I have three of John Green's novels that I need to get to and Paper Towns is one of them! I also really want to read Stolen and Let's Get Lost! The other books you mentioned are new to me, I'll check them out!
    Hope you enjoy reading these books :-)

  7. I've had Paper Towns just sitting on my TBR shelf for awhile now. I should probably get to reading that. Good luck with your winter reading!

  8. Stolen was an absolutely amazing read, I remember reading it a few years back, but it still had left such a great impression with me. I also need to read Krista and Becca's series soon, I have heard great things! Happy reading Sarika! :)

  9. hahahaha; we will have to blame Siiri for Addicted books right? I am so scared to pick up that series. I really wouldn't like to be a black sheep and hate it. :(

    Stolen is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!