
Monday, December 29, 2014

Review- Blocked by Jennifer Lane

Goodreads Summary:

College freshman Lucia Ramirez has a secret crush on Dane Monroe. He’s a tall drink of water — blond, brash, and one hell of a volleyball player.¡Híjole! Lucia hopes her volleyball scholarship to his school will make him notice her.

Too bad what’s noticeable is Dane’s obvious hatred for Lucia. Her family’s politics contradict everything he stands for. And politics are front and center in both their families. Dane’s mother is about to face Lucia’s father in the race for US President. 

When Secret Service throws them together, Dane can’t deny his frustrating attraction to Lucia’s athletic curves and sweet faith in the world. Amid the intense pressure of college athletics and presidential politics, can opposites not just attract, but overcome overwhelming odds to be together? Or do their differences block their match from the start?


*NOTE: We (The Readdicts) received a copy of Blocked by Jennifer Lane from AToMR Tours in exchange for an honest review. We thank the author and the tour company for the book! 

I took so long to read Blocked that I thought about giving it up more than once. But because it's a book by Jennifer Lane whose Streamline was a great read that I really liked, I decided to take my time with Blocked and trust me, it was worth the wait, although I really really wish we got to know the final results of the elections. I do have my theory on who wins, and I love books that end abruptly, but this time, I really wanted to know. The slow pace of my reading (which really had nothing to do with the story, but my pure laziness) and the abrupt ending are the only two negatives that I can come up with. 

Blocked is the story of two star athletes Dane Monroe and Lucia Ramirez who also happen to be the children of the two governors who are contesting for the US presidential elections. Politics and sports are two topics that I find very interesting so that there is a great combination. I really liked the glimpse into the lives of Dane and Lucia who are living in the same apartment for safety purposes, who in spite of being the children of such high profile people, were simple and had normal issues like you and I do. They were both great individuals and made for a great pair. The chemistry between the two was quite sizzling and hot. 

Lucia was a really nice girl. I got her whole eating disorder issue, but I failed to understand why a determined and strong girl would let herself be demotivated that way. Dane was a great guy who appeared quite the jerk at first, but made up for all his mistakes and stupidity later on by showing how great he is. Both the protagonists gave importance to their respective siblings and family which I loved so much. 

In Blocked, we already have two topics that form a major part of newspapers and it's not just that, there's secret service, competition, separation, media, issues like alcoholism, eating disorders, domination, blood sugar, etc. that make it such a realistic read. Not to mention, heaps of knowledge since we get inside scoops and even some psychological know-hows. So Blocked is basically packed with reality. The importance given to family was really appreciative as well. I found this one to be a great read. 



  1. Ah, it sounds like you did better with this NA read! I'm not sure this one would be for me because I'm not a big reader of issue books such as these, but I'm glad you liked it!


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