
Monday, July 20, 2015

#JTWYAReadAlong Discussion Post #1

Hi, everyone! Welcome to the first ever discussion post for our Just The Way You Are read-along

As decided, this discussion post is based on the first part of the book, i.e., from page number one up until page number ninety four. Those of you who have read the book till there, do share your thoughts so far in the comments below and please feel free to answer all the questions I have come up with. Those of you who are yet to finish reading part one, beware of spoilers! And don't worry at all. You have until Friday, before we start the next discussion post. So take your time, read and share your thoughts as and when you like. 

Coming to the book, I have planned on dividing this discussion into three parts and those are: writing, character(s) and story. So without much ado, let's get started.

Writing: I quite like the simple writing style of author Sanjeev Ranjan. There were a few points like ridiculous typos and the mix of Hindi and English that annoyed me, but if I put that aside, I must say that the writing is easy to follow.

What are your thoughts on the writing? Is it a positive or a negative for you when there's a mix of Hindi and English, not just in writing, but perhaps in speech as well?

Character(s): For me, from the very start until the part till I'm done with, the main focus is Sameer. This is his story throughout. I admit that it was shocking to see him leave it all behind and go to Switzerland within a few hours of his marriage. While his need to fit in, groom himself just because his friend said so and befriend girls was a complete turn off for me, I liked that he still believes in being kind. When he was so against tradition, I didn't see why he had to submit to it in any case. Anyway, he seems pleasant as a person and that was nice. 

As for the family mentioned in the book, it was over the top like I've come to expect from Indian writers. The drama adds some fun and comic elements to the story. 

Are you liking Sameer? Are you hoping for some major character development with him or do you believe he will be the same throughout the length of the book?

An additional question, if you were married and your husband/ wife did what Sameer did and left for a job in a foreign country on the day of your marriage, how would you react?

Story: As far as the story is concerned, there was a mix of past and present which at times was confusing for me, as a reader. While the whole idea of Switzerland was oh so exciting, I would have loved to see more of that, but Sameer kept taking us back to his past. Not like I mind, and on top on that, I guess the past is anyway important to understand the present. One aspect of the story that I'm looking forward to the most is how Sameer meets his then girlfriend now wife Shagun (what a name), and I hope that story comes up soon.
Is the story engaging for you? Are you looking forward to what happens next? What are you expecting Shagun to find in Sameer's diary?

Please share your thoughts with me, guys! I am looking forward to you responses. I hope you liked this post just as much as I liked putting it up for you. If you have any questions regarding the book or the inspiration behind it or just anything really, don't forget to Facebook or tweet the author, and he will gladly answer you.

My question to Sanjeev is: If Just The Way You Are were to be made into a Bollywood movie, which actor and actress would you like to see play the role of Sameer and Shagun?

Thank you so much  for stopping by, and until the next post, happy reading!


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Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!