
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Review- The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin


Mara Dyer wants to believe there's more to the lies she’s been told.
There is.

She doesn’t stop to think about where her quest for the truth might lead.
She should.

She never had to imagine how far she would go for vengeance.
She will now.

Loyalties are betrayed, guilt and innocence tangle, and fate and chance collide in this shocking conclusion to Mara Dyer’s story.

Retribution has arrived.


Finally, I got to The Retribution of Mara Dyer. I was desperately waiting to get all the answers to the questions and the situation which had come up during the course of the series. And we do get them. But while I was expecting to be blown out of mind, it did not happen. Retribution was a very good read, just not amazing. 

Mara is stuck on the Island with things looking as bleak as they can get. She has to find a way out and find Noah. The book starts off really creepy and intense. Things get bloody and gory but Mara has to fight through it to get to the one person who matters the most to her. I liked seeing Mara going through things alone with only Jamie ans Stella but I missed Noah. 

We get to see what is happening with Noah after around 70% which was a LONG time for a central character to be missing, I felt that things were a bit dragged during the first half of the book and things weren't moving as speedily as expected. Yes, the backstory which was happening to Mara's grandmother was interesting but I wanted thing to go faster in the present.

The redeeming thing about having to wait for Noah to appear was that we get his point of view for the last 30%. The love Noah and Mara share is close to obsessive but it is real. They would do anything for each other and their loved ones. I was so happy we got a scene which clearly depicts the book cover.

Another finally we get to see is when Noah and Mara get together. Those few pages were some of the most beautiful pages in the entire trilogy. Most of the things get cleared up and we finally do get a satisfying end to the series. Though I did wish things weren't so botched up between Mara and her family. I really enjoyed The Retribution of Mara Dyer.


  1. I still have not had a chance to get into this series although I desperately want to. So many books, so little time!
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

  2. Man, I really need to start this series!!!

  3. I had started this series but I never had the chance to finish it. The second book's ending sort of baffled my mind and after that I never picked up the last book, I still want to finish it though. Glad you could enjoy it overall! <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections


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