
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

National Young Readers Day!

Hi, everyone! Some time ago, we were contacted by Alyse from Casper, a US mattress company to be part of the National Young Readers Day. I am assuming this day is celebrated in the US, and that's really terrific because well, it's a day for readers. So happy National Young Readers Day to our friends in the US! 

As part of the celebration, Janhvi and I will be sharing our favourite childhood and bedtime stories with you. So without much ado, let's get on to it. Please note that this is totally based on our memory! *winks* 

The minuted I said bedtime stories, Janhvi said Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Jack and the Beanstalk. Cute, right? 


As for me, I remember that my parents used to tell me Indian mythological stories so I could fall asleep. Unfortunately, mythology still continues to put me off to sleep. *winks* 

On a more serious note, I remember reading many individual books of Panchatantra, which are essentially Indian fables that are extremely sweet and entertaining. 

What bedtime stories do you remember? Let us know in the comments below, and happy reading to you all!  


  1. My mom used to just make up stories taking hints from Panchatantra & other such local stories..

  2. I just remember Mowgli and the Bandar log which I had to actually mug for some exam! So I had spend a lot of time on it!

  3. P.S. Only recently I learnt in a philosophy school the great significance and depth of meaning behind mythological tales! There was a time when greatest civilisations treated mythology as something far more important than history. But now we are at a time when the essence of it has lost upon us and we only see them as fantasy tales which are turned into fancy movies!


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!