
Monday, December 26, 2016

Review- Until Ashlyn by Aurora Rose Reynolds


Dillon Keck knew Ashlyn Mayson was drunk when she suggested they get married. He knew he should have taken her back to their hotel room and put her to bed. Instead, he did what he had been craving to do since the moment they met. 

Claim her as his. 

Waking up married in Vegas isn't something Ashlyn Mayson ever thought would happen to her. Having Dillon, her boss, a man she thinks is a dick, insist they stay married is absurd, but every time he touches her, she gets lost in him and wonders if maybe they are meant to be together. 

But someone isn't happy for Dillon and Ashlyn and their new found romance, and they're willing to do anything to keep them apart. Even commit murder.

Release date: December 27th, 2016


I have read many books by Aurora Rose Reynolds so I know that her books are not everyone's cup of tea. I prefer reading her books only from time to time because that's the way I enjoy them the most. Until Ashlyn is the third book in the Until Her series. If you have previously read or liked any of her books from the Until, Until Him or Until Her series there is a good chance you will like this one. For me, Until Ashlyn was a good read, just not one of my favourites.

Until Ashlyn is the story of Ashlyn, obviously as the name suggests, as well as Dillon. We'd met both of them previously and there were definitely sparks flying all over the place. Let's start with Ashlyn. I liked her as a heroine. She was sweet but she was not a pushover. She had her insecurities like any other normal person. Even though she was attracted to Dillon she was not sure where their relationship stood.

Then we have Dillon. Like all Aurora Rose Reynolds heroes Dillon was an alpha male. Some might find them over bearing and annoying but like I said before, I do enjoy such books from time to time. Dillon was the one who had solid feelings and was extremely sure of himself with Ashlyn. He was protective and possessive and nothing could keep him apart from Ashlyn.

As the summary suggests, the book starts off only with Ashlyn and Dillon getting married in Vegas. This is one of the tried and tested tropes of romance and it definitely works for Dillon and Ashlyn. These two are very stubborn so there were ups and down in the relationship but overall they made for a great couple.

The best part about Aurora Rose Reynolds books is the feelings of family she inculcates in her books. I loved seeing old faces and couples whom we all know and love. I also really enjoyed meeting and getting to know Dillon's side of the family. Until Ashlyn does have a mystery thread going on side by side but it was quite easy to figure out that plot. Overall, though Until Ashlyn may not be my favourite of the bunch, it was still a good read.

*Note: A copy of this book was provided by TRSOR promotions in exchange for an honest review. We thank them.

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