
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

All About Paperless Post!

Hi, everyone! I was recently introduced to a plat form called Paperless Post which is extremely helpful for making and sending online invitations. I love this because I am in for anything that helps us be slightly sustainable without getting the fun out of the way. 

As most of you know, Janhvi and I will be celerbating our blogoversary in August and even though it'll soon be six years since we started blogging, I always find it hard to make invitations, banners and posters for the celebration. But with Paperless Post, most of my worries are out of the way. For someone ever so slightly technologically handicapped like me, Paperless Post is a savoiur. I just created an invitation for our huge giveaway and it was the easiest task ever! Once the invitation was made, Paperless Post even gives you a link and a few social media sites to share your event on. 

Feel free to check out hwat I made right here and yes, we welcome you all to join us in celebrating our sixth blogoversary on August 16. 

I hope you give this site a try as it is super duper easy to use and extremely handy while being creative and fun! 

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Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!