
Thursday, September 12, 2019

Review- Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult

Salem Falls on Goodreads


Tall, blonde and handsome, Jack St. Bride was once a beloved teacher and football coach at a girls' school, until a student's crush sparked a powder-keg of accusation and robbed him of his career and reputation. Now after an eight-month jail sentence, Jack resolves to pick up the pieces of his life.

Release date: April 1st 2008
Published by: Hodder & Stoughton
Page numbers: 472


Before Salem Falls, I have only read Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper. But that one book was enough for me to decide that I wanted to read more books from the part of my shelf dedicated to Jodi Picoult as I have an inexplicable obsession with collecting her books. I had my eye on Salem Falls as it had me extremely intrigued with its blurb so I thought I should pick it up next. And I am super glad I did because it's a book that gave me a major brain blotch which is something I had been waiting for... 

Salem Falls is the story of Jack St. Bride who is accused and convicted of sexually assaulting his student Catherine Marsh. Once he has served his time, he moves out to Salem Falls, a quiet town and stumbles into Do-Or-Diner, owned and managed by Addie Peabody. When Jack and Addie meet, they obviously have no idea what's in store for either of them but it is one incredible journey that I thoroughly loved reading about. Jack is once again accused of raping a teenage girl in Salem Falls and that's when the story picks up pace and turns into a series of events that are super interesting to read about. 

Jack and Addie aren't the only characters in this book. It's basically the entire town that gets involved in Jack's case and like always, Picoult manages to write some smashing characters who stay with you long after you've closed the book and who make you contemplate life in general. I don't know how she does it but the author weaves some magic that makes her books so mind blowing and touching. She knows her art super well and that's super admirable. 

Like My Sister's Keeper, Salem Falls also started on a slow note. I felt like I was reading the book forever. It was only once I crossed the 60% mark that I really got into it and I couldn't wait to find out how everything would turn out. Having said that, the first part of the book was packed with information and clues that help figure out some major information but it was just very difficult to get into. There were times when I felt like giving up or putting it on hold but I am so glad I didn't. It's like they say: Great stuff takes time. And it stands so true for this particular book. 

I would highly, highly recommend this book, whether you are a Jodi Picoult fan or not, this one is going to keep you hooked! 

Buy the book: AMAZON

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