Tuesday, December 10, 2013

JRReadathon is here! Come join us!

Hey everybody!

Is there any chance you feel like your reading pile is something like this right now?

Have no fear, JRReadathon is here! ;)

Sarika and me, with two other lovely ladies decided to have a readathon and get our reading piles under control with some year end reading. The readathon starts today. There are no set rules as such. Our only goal is to READ READ READ.

The hosts are:

Janhvi & Sarika @ The Readdicts
Krazzyme @ Young Reader

You can follow us all on twitter at @SarikaP8, @justjanhvi @kadburytweets and @ankita0112.
Just tweet with the hashtag #JRreadathon

You can link up below any way you like and join in. There's no pressure. No set rules. We'll have random discussions on twitter over what we're reading and just cheer each other to read as much as possible. 

Its a great way of sharing our love of reading with our fellow bookworms and getting those massive to be read piles somewhat under control.

Please join in!
Happy reading everybody! :)


  1. Girls you have no idea how gladly I'd join you, but I really don't have time. With my finals knocking on my doors reading is not really a priority. Hope you'll enjoy this readathon :)

  2. Oooh sounds fun!!! Enjoy :)


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time out to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it!