Friday, September 07, 2018

Review- Beautiful Beginning by Christina Lauren


Back when not being able to stand each other also meant not being able to keep their hands off each other in Beautiful Bastard, neither Bennett nor Chloe could have seen this day coming.

An exasperated bride who just wants to elope. A determined groom whose only focus is getting to the wedding night. And—of course—a whole lot of name calling.

Release date: November 19th, 2013
Published by: Pocket Star
Page numbers: 208


Beautiful Beginning is a long novella and book #3.5 in the Beautiful Bastard series by Christina Lauren. This novella takes us back to the first couple in the series, Chloe and Bennett and what they are up to. Chloe and Bennett are getting married and as it is always with them, there are a lot of unexpected things happening with their crazy family and friends.

Bennett has decided not to sleep with Chloe until after the wedding. Of course, Chloe has to go against anything and everything Bennett says so she decides to seduce him. This paired with crazy family and friends and even crazier situations is what makes up for Beautiful Beginning.

I really liked seeing Bennett and Chloe again. Though they are not my favourite couple from the series, I did like seeing how they were doing. They have come a long way and it was great to see them almost read each other's mind. They were deliriously happy in love but still had tension filled arguments. Classic Chloe-Bennett.

I also loved seeing Max and Will and Bennett prank on each other. These guys are hilarious but at the end of the day they stand by each other. With an expected and unexpected news thrown in, Beautiful Beginning made for a really good read. If you have been following this series like me, this novella should not be missed.

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