On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Hers to Protect
By Catherine Lanigan
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch - Note from the Author
I am thrilled to bring you the eleventh story in the Shores of Indian Lake series. For those of you who are following our community, you will remember that I introduced the Hawks family in FAMILY OF HIS OWN. Although, Isabelle Hawks, the artist, has been a character from the very first story, LOVE SHADOWS, our new story is about Isabelle’s younger sister, Violet. . . . I hope you like HERS TO PROTECT. Look for my November release, CHRISTMAS UNDER GLASS. The story of Joy Boston who returns to Indian Lake to bury her grandfather and sell the family greenhouses and finds her first love, Adam Masterson, is the one part of her past she can never leave.
It's All About the Romance - Excerpt
“She said Maserati. My brother Eric always had posters of Italian race cars in his room. She said it was something like that.”
“It could be anything,” Sal interjected.
Trent unfolded his arms. “How many Maseratis have you seen around here? Even in tourist season, Sal?”
Chief Williams pointed at Violet. “Hawks, I’m ordering you on a stakeout. Davis, you get her outfitted with what she needs. If something is going on up there on or around 1000 North, I want to know about it. This makes sense. It’s close to the Michigan state line. The interstate is a stone’s throw away. Those county roads up there are a spiderweb. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve missed my turn and ended up in Three Oaks, Michigan.” He cleared his throat.
Andi's Book Reviews - Review
"This is the second book that I have read in the Shores of Indian Lake series. I will say that you definitely do not need to read the other books in the series to appreciate this title. The story, while it alludes to the other couples that have come together in this town, really focuses on the current couple and their path to making things work out, if meant to be. . . . There is just a hint of a thriller story in here, which is fun in a romance. And they have a slow burning flame that is kindled and nurtured throughout the story."
Remembrancy - Review
"Catherine Lanigan once again gives readers a story to delve into and get lost in. The police investigation and challenges for Violet are genuine, the romance is sweet, and the residents of Indian Lake once again welcome readers in, whether it’s your first visit or your eleventh."
Heidi Reads... - Guest Post
I have always been fascinated by cars. A great deal of that interest, delight and awe, comes from the fact that I AM from Indiana. Historically, Indiana was the birthplace of many of the first automobiles being manufactured in the United States. Long before there was The Motor City of Detroit, there was Studebaker in South Bend and the Duesenberg in Indianapolis. The Austin. The Cord. These were history makers. . .
EmpowerMoms - Review
"Josh and Violet were great main characters and I really enjoyed the story line and steady pace. Easy to read story with some police drama and clean romance."
Hearts & Scribbles - Excerpt
Before she got to the blue bullet, the door was flung open and a tall, lean, blond man exited. Violet halted. He didn’t look like any drug dealer she’d ever seen in mug shots. He was killer handsome, dressed in expensive black slacks, a dark blue knit shirt that stretched over his broad chest, its fine material lying over cut muscles. The long sleeves were shoved up to his elbows, exposing taut forearms. He clenched and unclenched his fists. He glared at her. She notice his eyes were sky blue.
“Aw jeez. A country cop.” He spat the word from between pursed angry lips.
“ILPD. City cop.”
His anger vanished as he flashed her a blazingly charming smile. “What a coincidence.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m from Indianapolis. It was a joke.”
“I’m not smiling.”
Rockin' Book Reviews - Review
"This is a fun tale with strong characters, fortitude, emotions, mystery, action and romance.
It is very well-written. The Title is a terrific "play on words" and fitting, as is the Cover very fitting.The characters are well-defined and easily connected to."
Candrel's Crafts, Cooks, and Characters - Interview
What’s next for you in the writing realm?
I’m currently working on CHRISTMAS UNDER GLASS for Heartwarming, due out in November of this year. I have three stories in the proposal stage for Heartwarming, the first of which I’m barreling down on the minute I finish up my edits on CHRISTMAS UNDER GLASS.
I have a couple thrillers I’m tying up and a paranormal novel as well.
underneath the covers - Excerpt
“I’m telling you, Josh. This may have been fun for you, but it can cost us. If that cop has you on resisting arrest, that tells me you let your mouth run away with you. Again.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” Josh muttered.
“Yeah? Tell it to the judge. And believe me, you will. In the meantime, shut your trap. You got that?”
“Got it.”
“Good. Be as polite as you know how. I don’t know anything about this Indian Lake, but I’m going to find out. These little towns take small infractions seriously. It’s not Indianapolis where you can buy or autograph your way out of just about anything.”
By Her Shelf - Review
"I really enjoyed this book! I read it in a couple days (work and life interrupted, unfortunately). The plot was engaging and Ms. Lanigan kept the conflict strong throughout the story. The author did a great job of balancing moving both the plot and Josh and Violet’s relationship forward. . . . I would recommend Hers to Protect to anyone looking for a clean read with a compelling conflict, a light enemies to lovers angle, and plenty of small town heart."
Splashes of Joy - Review
"There are several issues going on in this story that you will find when you read this story. And Ms. Lanigan weaves them all together beautifully. And I appreciate that the romance wasn’t fast acting but a slow, get to know each other romance that turns into a sweet heartwarming relationship. And add a bit of mystery into the story and we have a nice clean romance that will warm your heart."
Thoughts of a Blonde - Review
"Sweet romance with a hint of intrigue! With a return trip to the Shores of Indian Lake series by Catherine Lanigan, we are always sure to find ourselves enmeshed into the heart of the small town culture very quickly. . . . Violet & Josh were very easy to connect with. . . . The intrigue was spot on, the relationship heartfelt and overall I loved their story!"
E-Romance News - Excerpt
Josh had been very young when his parents died, and even now he could remember the smell of lavender on his mother’s skin when she held him close. He could hear his father’s wing tips on the wood stairs when he came home late from work and came to check on Josh.
“But they left me,” he whispered, feeling wrenched again straight across his midsection.
He would give the world to feel his mother’s hug again. And hear her voice telling him that she loved him. Even his father’s seldom-heard laugh would be a gift. Just one more time.
That was why he drove so very, very fast. He felt closest to them when he pushed the limits of speed. As if he could almost touch them. He had no intention of crashing, but he also couldn’t resist the urge to go just a little faster.
onemused - Review
"Although HERS TO PROTECT is classified as heartwarming, it also has some light suspense elements which are a cherry on top of a slow-building, delicious romance. . . . As a heartwarming romance, you won't find more than kisses in the book, so it is very clean. I would recommend for fans of slow-building romance, enemies turned lovers, and fans of light romantic suspense (as a secondary plot)."
Hallie Reads - Review
". . . I had fun with this story between Violet and Josh that Hers to Protect delivers. There’s plenty of romance amidst the cop intrigue and small-town charm. For the reader looking for a quick, contemporary read, it is sure to be a delightful summer-reading choice."
Nicole's Book Musings - Guest Post
When I first introduced Violet Hawks’ character as Isabelle Hawks’ younger sister in FAMILY OF HIS OWN, I saw her as the one female sibling who couldn’t wait to leave the little town of Indian Lake. Violet was attending the Police Academy and her dreams of becoming a detective were based on what she believed were her natural instincts for putting clues together and solving riddles, puzzles and crimes. . .
Pause for Tales - Review
"What plays out in this story is a beautiful friendship and romance of two people that have some serious trust issues and a bit of pride on both of their sides; especially when it comes to judging each other. This book has a bit of suspense as well, that adds more friction between these two, not like they needed that but it certainly keeps the plot moving at a quick pace.
This is a first time read for me by this author and I enjoyed her writing style and look forward to reading more of her work."
Kimber Li - Guest Post
The Shores of Indian Lake series hits its eleventh installment with HERS TO PROTECT. One of the aspects of the series is the sense of a strong community connection. The town of Indian Lake shines like a hope-filled beacon in our disturbing present world. Indian Lake is not a dream or illusion. It exists in many towns around the world. It is where people come to each other’s aid in time of need. More importantly, the people of Indian Lake are there for each other in good times as well. . .
Britt Reads Fiction - Review
"Hers to Protect was a really good story. This was the first book that I have read by this author, and now I look forward to reading more of her books in the future!"
Jorie Loves A Story - Review
"I truly love tucking back inside Indian Lake - I have come to love the Contemporary Romantic style Ms Lanigan infuses into her stories and each new visit I have within the series is a happy homecoming! It has become one of my favourite Harlequin Heartwarming series. . . Lanigan has created a close-knit community . . . He found a new lease on life in a place he would hardly have considered if life hadn't intervened and that is what makes this such a sweet second chance romance - as it wasn't a second chance relationship but rather a carving out your own niche of living in a place which took you by surprise."
Colorimetry - Guest Post
Hi, There!
Josh Stevens, here. I’m the lead character in HERS TO PROTECT. As a Formula One race driver, I’ve been all over the world winning races, making money and earning kudos from millions of fans. Charming people is part of the game and essential to my business. I can smile for cameras, hug fans, and blow kisses. I’m constantly aware of the importance of my media presence. I’ve never had a glitch in that department.
Reading Is My SuperPower - Review
"Brimming with the strength of community and the power of love, Hers to Protectis another fun and rewarding visit to Indian Lake thanks to the talented pen of Catherine Lanigan. The characters are layered and vivid, allowing readers to experience the full range of emotion while discovering their stories and cheering them on once they’ve fully taken up residence in reader hearts. Easy to become absorbed in even for those who are making their first trip to Indian Lake, this novel is perfect for fans of small town romance that’s clean and well-written!"
Locks, Hooks and Books - Review
"I give Hers to Protect a well deserved five plus stars. . . . I recommend this one for readers who enjoy good, clean, and heartwarming romances."
Becky on Books - Guest Post
Why We Love Stories Where the Heart Wins
The obvious answer to the title above is because we yearn for happiness in our own lives, many times when there is far too much heartbreak.
As the author of over fifty romances and romantic themed novels, I have to say that I’ve learned some things myself. . .
Baroness' Book Trove - Review
"Hers to Protect by Catherine Lanigan was a great book that I didn’t want to put down for any reason at all. Violet and Josh are two fascinating characters that were a blast to read. Violet is trying to be good at her job so that she can become a detective and get out of Indian Lake. Josh, with his thing of wanting to be close to his parents but also wanting to be kept busy. I love a happy ending.
I am giving Hers to Protect by Catherine Lanigan five stars and recommending it to all Harlequin Heartwarming contemporary romance lovers out there."
Reading On The Edge - Excerpt
His eyes caught Violet’s.
She didn’t know what happened, but it was as if everyone else had vanished. Violet could have sworn she was suddenly standing inches from Josh. His gaze held hers, and she had to consciously remind herself that she could not hear his thoughts.
Contrition filled his eyes and his smile was tenuous, where only a second ago, he’d beamed at his fans as they jostled each other for his autograph or a photo. Paul had been correct. Josh with his public was all performance.
What she was seeing was the real person. She felt his regret, and a pang of conscience told her if she ever had a chance to get to know the real Josh Stevens, she just might wind up liking him.
Elle's Book Blog - Review
"Catherine Lanigan has written a sweet and heartwarming story with Hers to Protect. I felt as if I were a part of the story and befriended the characters myself. . . . I adored it to pieces and plan to read more of the books in the near future."
Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post, if you haven't already...

(Shores of Indian Lake #11)
By Catherine Lanigan
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
April 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming
She’s sworn to protect…
But does that include a speeding celebrity?
Violet Hawks is a by-the-books police officer—so when she catches a man speeding, she arrests him. Only, the man is famous race car driver Josh Stevens. To make amends, Josh launches a charm campaign, and it works on the small town…and on Violet. But when Josh is connected to an investigation, Violet begins to wonder—can she trust her instincts when her heart is involved?
Other Books in the Series
About the Author
Catherine Lanigan is the international bestselling and award-winning author of over forty-five published titles in both fiction and non-fiction, including the novelizations of Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile. Ms. Lanigan’s novels have been translated into over twenty-four languages. Lanigan was tasked by the NotMYkid foundation to pen a collection of compelling and informative true stories of teen addicts. Ms. Lanigan’s SHORES OF INDIAN LAKE series for HARLEQUIN HEARTWARMING includes LOVE SHADOWS, HEART’S DESIRE , A FINE YEAR FOR LOVE, KATIA’S PROMISE, FEAR OF FALLING, SOPHIE’S PATH, PROTECTING THE SINGLE MOM, FAMILY OF HIS OWN, HIS BABY DILEMMA, RESCUED BY THE FIREFIGHTER and HER TO PROTECT (2019).
Ms. Lanigan is a frequent speaker at literary functions and book conventions as well as inspiring audiences with her real stories of angelic intervention from her Angel Tales series of books. She is an outspoken advocate for domestic violence and abuse and was honored by The National Domestic Violence Hotline in Washington, D.C. She has been a guest on numerous radio programs including “Coast to Coast” and on television interview and talk show programs as well as blogs, podcasts and online radio interview programs. She writes a monthly blog for Heartwarmingauthors.blogspot.com.
Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
Ends May 29, 2019
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